Hilo Side

Hallo there!

Our next weekend adventure in Hawaii began! We’re heading to the Hilo side to see some waterfalls! Saulius and Simona rented a car from someone on the YWAM campus for the whole month! So we’re enjoying the car ride and the stunning view when suddenly we hear a very bad noise and smell! Oh NOOO we got a flat tire! We stopped at the side of the road to see how bad it was.. it was a disaster! The whole tire was totally loose! We were lucky there was an extra sos tire in the trunk! The guys changed it and we continued our trip to Hilo!

We arrived at the rainbow waterfalls. An amazing waterfall in the jungle! Little bit disappointed that we didn’t saw the rainbows but it was a lovely view anyway! The guys climb all the way up in the large jungle trees. That was cool! After that we went to Narnia, some other waterfalls that needed a little hike. Bit scary to pass the river on the slippery rocks but with the guys helping it ain’t that hard. We could swim, jump of the smaller waterfall and enjoy the atmosphere!

It started to rain very hard! So we decided to head back to the car. On our way back we met some awesome people! They live here on the island and work for the military. They were very kind and open. We wanted to go to Mauna Kea to watch the sunset but they adviced us not to go when they saw our donut. They offered to pick us up another time and take us there with their pickup truck! How nice would that be!

This day was an awesome experience!