My testimony in the local church

It’s Sunday and I’m joining the Ywam leaders to go to church. I went to their house and Ledua told me; Good morning Lizzy, you’re going to share your testimony this morning in church. I smiled and said what? Haha you couldn’t tell me that yesterday evening? He told me, it’s okay, God will show you what to share today.

I know God has send me on this journey to share His Love, Goodness and Power by using Dance, Photography and Testimony. So when Ledua asked me I immediately knew what God wanted me to share. It made me excited that God brought me all the way to Fiji and gives me the opportunity to Glorify Him through my testimony.
So when we were in church we split up in groups and I was part of the teenage girls. The leader asked me to share my testimony with the 4 other girls. I was excited! Yes this is the moment. I started sharing and I truly believe God spoke to their hearts. I thanked Jesus for trusting me with these 4 girls.
The service continued and after 30 min I heard my name.. Lizzy do you wanna come to the front and share your testimony.? I was a little surprised. I thought I already shared it and now I have to do it again in front of the whole church!

I came to the front and shared my story again. People in church really listen and responded with an occasional amen! I thank God that He even trusted me with more people! Be faithful in the little and He will trust you with the bigger.

After my testimony Vika the woman that runs YWAM with her husband sang a song for me and also for the other girls from church. It touched my heart. She shared that God is number one in her life and that no matter what happens in life she has God to fall back onto and will not be lost.