Devotion at the local school
Wow! It’s such an amazing day! This morning we ( Levi, a YWAM staff and I ) were asked to lead the devotion at a local school from 8-9 am. I prepared a piece about how the kids are made in Gods image. I really felt like God wanted me to share about this topic. I found the song: “Made in His Image” by Hillsong Kids. Levi told me the kids do not know this song so it would be a great opportunity to dance to it and that way they can hear the words and watch the dance.
I was really nervous this morning! So I wanted to be there on time and called Levi to go. We only had 10 min before 8 and hadn’t even left the base yet. I took my scooter and was waiting for him next to the road. It took forever.. Suddenly I see him next to me in the car.. asking me where I was! He was waiting for me in the car! Haha So we took off both on our own vehicle to the school.
We had a big group of kids! We started with an introduction of ourselves, the theme, sang a song and then there was the dance performance. It’s all new for the kids to see the modern/jazz dance style. It felt like they didn’t know how to respond and some started laughing a little. But I truly felt God was moving. Somewhere in the dancing I did a handstand and the whole group responded WOOOW!!!! and at the end they all gave a big applause. They really loved it. Thank you Jesus for dancing through me and to inspire these kids to dance for your glory!
We prayed and then I shared a piece about how they are made in Gods image and even through the storms of life, God is right there to mould and form them more into His image and character and they will become like a royal prince or princes. We played a game and after that Levi shared his testimony! That was very special. I ended our time with prayer and blessed them.
Prison Ministry
Straight after the devotion we were heading to the prison ministry. I wanted to go there already in the first week but they thought it wouldn’t be smart to go there as a women. But today I had permission from the pastor that was leading it to join them. I was so happy and had great expectations. We were with a group of 4 men and 1 woman.
The first man that came to sit with us shared his struggle and he really wanted to give his heart to Jesus. We listened to him, gave him understanding about Gods word, His promises and truth. He prayed and surrendered all of his sin and heart in the mighty hands of Jesus. I also felt the desire in my heart to pray for him. When I started speaking, I just felt the Holy Spirit took over and spoke so many blessings over his life! It was an amazing experience!
The second guy that came to sit with us wanted to hear Levi’s and my testimony. Levi shared about how he learned to hear Gods voice more and all the ways that God can speak. The inmate was really curious and willing to learn about that! I shared how God was right there in the lowest point of my life, took me out of it, healed me, restored me and is faithful at all times and because of God I am where I am today. His response was, “So because of God, you came out of your deepest point in life?” I was so happy to respond; “YES, Its all because of Him that I am able to shine and laugh again and do the things God promised over my life.” He was really encourage by our testimonies.
The third guy is getting out of prison next Friday! I was so happy for him. But when I asked him if he was joyful about it, he said something that touched my heart. He said; “No, not really, I don’t have family or good friends around here. Don’t know exactly where to go. I do have a place to stay to sleep, but thats basically it.” I prayed for him that God will guide and protect Him. So that these men will continue to walk in freedom literally and spiritually.